Building Fund Campaign

UrbanReachSTL is seeking to raise $25,000 by February 10th for the Architect Design Phase of our building renovations!

Schematic Design Services

This is the phase of service where Vessel Architecture will flex their creativity and to answer the basic question, “What does this project look like and what is it made of?” The deliverables we will receive include basic site plans, floor plans, and sketchy 3D imagery that helps cast vision to UrbanReachSTL’s stakeholders.

The architect’s Schematic Design deliverables do not stop at drawings. Vessel’s work will include a detailed project budget. This budget includes both hard costs (“bricks and mortar”) and soft costs, like professional fees, A/V equipment, and furniture / fixtures / artwork.


Be a part of something bigger

UrbanReachSTL relies solely on contributions from private individuals, companies and grant opportunities. We do a tremendous amount of yearlong outreach serving 63101, 63104 and 63106 zip codes and surrounding communities.

Without your generous contributions, UrbanReachSTL would not exist. We are eternally grateful for the impact that you are allowing us to make here.

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